Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Ranking Schools by Salary

The Payscale site has produced a ranking of American schools and colleges by the salaries that its graduates earn.

Here are the top five engineering colleges by median mid-career salary:

1. MIT
2. Harvey Mudd
3. Stanford
4. Bucknell University
5. Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

the top five Ivy League schools;

1. Dartmouth College
2. Harvard
3. Princeton
4. Yale
5. University of Pennsylvania

the top five liberal arts colleges;

1. Colgate University
2. Bucknell University
3. Swarthmore University
4. Amherst College
5. Haverford College

and the top five state universities;

1. Berkeley
2. Colorado School of Mines
3. Georgia Institute of Technology
4. New Jersey Institute of technology
5. University of California at San Diego.

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