Tuesday, January 25, 2011

More Rankings

With acknowledgements to Registrarism, here is news about more new rankings.

Universities are being ranked according to the popularity of their Twitter accounts. According  to an article in the Chronicle of Higher Education:

Stanford earned a Klout score of 70, with Syracuse University, Harvard University, and the University of Wisconsin at Madison all following with a score of 64.

The top 10 is rounded out by University of California at Berkeley, Butler University, Temple University, Tufts University, the University of Minnesota, the University of Texas at Austin, and Marquette University.
Another is the Green Metric Ranking of World Universities, compiled by Universitas Indonesia. The criteria are  green statistics, energy and climate change, waste, water and transportation.

The top five are:

1.  Berkeley (Surprise!)
2.  Nottingham
3.  York (Canada)
4.  Northeastern
5.  Cornell

Universiti Putra Malaysia is 6th and Universitas Indonesia 15th.

1 comment:

  1. "The criteria are green statistics, energy and climate change, waste, water and transportation."

    What on earth do those have to do with being a top university?
