Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Update 2 on El Naschie and Nature

Note that New Scientist describes El Naschie as an "independent physicist". Does this imply that he has no affiliation and that Nature was correct in questioning his claims to academic status?

1 comment:

  1. Yes. Owing to his scandalous gift appointment from Alexandria University president Hend Hanafi, he is now an emeritus professor in the physics department there there. But at the time of the Nature article he had no affiliation. His website says he was made a full professor at some early stage of his career, but he refused to tell me at what university, or whether he still is one. He confabulates.

    He does have a number of "honorary" professorships in China but these are not real academic appointments.

    One of my readers commented that becoming an emeritus, i.e., retired professor, without having been an actual professor, may be an academic first.
