Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Another Quality Initiative

Every so often education bureaucrats come up with bright ideas to boost quality and raise standards and proclaim their faith that students and teachers at all levels can perform as well as anybody anywhere.

A recent example is the decree by the the Director General of Higher Education at the Indonesian Education and Culture Ministry, that in order to graduate undergraduate students must publish a paper in a scientific journal, master's students in a national scientific journal and doctoral students in an international scientific journal.

It is easy to predict what will happen if this idea survives. Every university will set up a website and call it an  online journal to which  an essay, term paper or thought paper by every undergraduate or group of undergraduates will be uploaded, after running it through turnitin.

It would be almost as easy to set up national websites and call them national online scientific journals and publish term papers by masters students.

But getting papers into international journals will be another matter if the term international has any meaning and if the papers are to be single-author papers. We can expect a lot of creative workarounds here.

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