Is this what they meant by diversity?
On December 1st. of last year I commented on proposals that the US News Law School Rankings should include an indicator for diversity.
Such proposals are based on the increasing globalisation of the world economy and the need to understand other cultures. It is obvious that middle class white Americans who support abortion, gay marriage, affirmative action, feminism and Obama must sit in classes with middle class African Americans who support abortion, gay marriage, affirmative action, feminism and Obama if they wish to communicate effectively with North Korean bureaucrats, supporters of Boko Haram who will soon control most of Nigeria, the Muslim Brotherhood or the Haredim who will soon control Israel.
The story of Elizabeth Warren, a professor at Harvard Law School who claims 1/32 Native American ancestry (which is not necessarily the same as Native American identity) shows the importance of diversity in law education. Were it not for her Cherokee great-great-great grandmother she would obviously be teaching something quite different to her students and so would render them unfit to compete in our diverse multicultural world.
There have been many jokes at her expense. Calling her "Fauxahontas", "Rides-in-limos" etc. Warren's election opponent Scott Brown laughed at her about this and she accused him of sexism.