Thursday, October 02, 2014

Which universities have the greatest research influence?

Times Higher Education (THE) claims that its Citations:Research Influence indicator, prepared by Thomson Reuters (TR), is the flagship of its World University Rankings, It is strange then that the magazine has never published a research influence ranking although that ought to be just as interesting as its Young Universities Ranking, Reputation Rankings or gender index.

So let's have a look at the top 25  universities in the world this year ranked for research influence,  measured by field- and year- normalised citations, by Thomson Reuters.

Santa Cruz and Tokyo Metropolitan have the same impact as MIT. Federico Santa MariaTechnical University is ahead of Princeton. Florida Institute of Technology beats Harvard. Bogazici University and Scuola Normale Superiore do better than Oxford and Cambridge.

Are they serious?

Apparently. There will be an explanation in the next post. Meanwhile go and check if you don't believe me. And let me know if there's any dancing in the streets of Valparaiso, Pisa, Golden or Istanbul.

Rank and Score for Citations: Research Influence 2014-15 THE World Rankings

Rank University Score
1= University of California Santa Cruz 100
1= MIT 100
1= Tokyo Metropolitan University 100
4 Rice University 99.9
5= Caltech 99.7
5= Federico Santa Maria Technical University, Chile  99.7
7 Princeton University 99.6
8= Florida Institute of Technology 99.2
8= University of California Santa Barbara 99.2
10= Stanford University 99.1
10= University of California Berkeley 99.1
12= Harvard University 98.9
12= Royal Holloway University of London 98.9
14 University of Colorado Boulder  97.4
15 University of Chicago 97.3
16= Washington University of St Louis 97.1
16= Colorado School of Mines 97.1
18 Northwestern University 96.9
19 Bogazici University, Turkey  96.8
20 Duke University  96.6
21= Scuola Normale Superiore Pisa, Italy 96.4
21= University of California San Diego 96.4
23 Boston College 95.9
24 Oxford University 95.5
25= Brandeis University  95.3
25= UCLA 95.3

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