Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Ranking News: US State K-12 Rankings

Education Week has produced a ranking of states according to three criteria: Chance for Success, School Finance and K-12 Achievement. Overall, the top state is Massachusetts, which is also first for Chance for Success and K-12 Achievement. Pennsylvania is top for school finance. Overall the worse performing state is Nevada while New Mexico is worst for Chance for Success, Idaho for School Finance, and Mississippi for K-12 achievement.

California is an interesting case. Overall it is below average and gets a grade of C-. For K-12 its grade is D+. The state has some of the best universities in the world. Typically three or four of them will be found in the top ten of any global ranking. So why is the performance of primary and secondary schools so poor? Could it be that Education Week has identified the future of California's tertiary sector?

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