Sunday, September 02, 2018

Ranking US Rankings

Forbes Magazine has an article by Willard Dix that ranks US  ranking sites. The ranking is informal without specifying indicators but the author does give us an idea of what he thinks a good ranking should do.

Here are the top five of thirteen:
1.  US News: America's Best Colleges
2.  Money magazine: Best Colleges Ranking
3.  Forbes: America's Top Colleges
4.  Kiplinger's Best College Values
5.  Washington Monthly: College Guide and Rankings.

Reading through the comments it is possible to get an idea of the criteria of a good ranking. Rankings should contain a lot of information, they should be comprehensive and include a large number of institutions, they should provide data that helps prospective students and stakeholders, they should be published for several years, if they use surveys they should have a lot of respondents, they should have face validity (a list with a "revolutionary algorithm" that puts non-Ivy places at the top is in 13th place). 

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