Sunday, July 07, 2024

Problems with the THE Reputation Rankings

THE has spent a lot of time and words proclaiming that it is trusted by administrators, students, sponsors, and the like. Perhaps it is, but whether it deserves to be is another matter. A recent article in THE  suggests that THE has made a mess of its reputation rankings and is scrambling to put things right.

Until 2021, THE used Elsevier to conduct its teaching and research reputation survey. The 2020-21 survey received 10,963  responses and was calibrated to ensure proper representation of regions and subjects. 

The survey was brought in-house in 2022, and since then, the number of responses has increased substantially to 29,606 in 2022, 38,796 in 2023, and 55,689 in 2024.

When the number of responses increases so dramatically, one should wonder exactly how this was achieved. Was it by sending out more surveys, improving the response rate, or institutional efforts to encourage participation? 

When the results were announced in February, THE declared that a number of Arab universities had achieved remarkable results in the reputation survey. THE conceded that this stellar performance was largely a regional affair that did not extend to the rest of the world. 

But that was not all. Several Arab universities have been making big strides and improving citation, publication, and patent scores: Cairo University, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, UAE University, and Qatar University. 

The universities getting high scores in the THE rankings were less well-known in the Arab region and had received much lower scores for reputation in the US News and QS rankings. However, they are likely to do well in the forthcoming THE world and Arab university rankings.

THE has now admitted that some universities were encouraging researchers to vote for their own institutions and that there may have been "agreed relationships" between universities. THE is now talking about rewarding respondent diversity, that is getting support from more than just a few institutions.

It is regrettable that THE did not notice this earlier. If it does encourage such diversity, then quite a few universities will suffer dramatic falls in the rankings this year and next.

Anyway, THE could do a few things to improve the validity of its reputation survey. It could eliminate self-voting altogether, give a higher weighting to votes from other countries, as QS does, add a separate ranking for regional reputation, and combine scores for a number of years.

The problems with the reputation metrics seem to have begun with THE starting its own survey. It would be a good idea to go back to letting Elsevier do the survey. THE is undeniably brilliant at event management and public relations, although perhaps not jaw-droppingly so. However, it is not so good at rankings or data processing.


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