Best Grad Schools
The US News Graduate School Rankings were published on March 15th. Here are the top universities in various subject areas.
Business: Stanford
Education: Vanderbilt
Engineering: MIT
Law: Yale
Medical: Harvard
Biology: Stanford
Chemistry: Caltech, MIT, UC Berkeley
Computer Science; Carnegie-Mellon, MIT, Stanford, UC Berkeley
Earth Sciences: Caltech, MIT
Mathematics: MIT
Physics: Caltech, Harvard, MIT, Stanford
Statistics: Stanford
Library and Information Studies: Illinois at Urbana-Champagne
Criminology: Maryland -- College Park
Economics: Harvard, MIT, Princeton, Chicago
English: UC Berkeley
History: Princeton
Political Science: Harvard, Princeton, Stanford
Psychology: Stanford, UC Berkeley
Sociology: UC Berkeley
Public Affairs: Syracuse
Fine Arts: Rhode Island School of Design
In many cases such as Computer Science, Physics and Earth Science there are more than one top Graduate School. Computer Science Rankings Methodology lists 4 universities with a score of 5: CMU, MIT, Stanford and UC Berkley. They are listed in alphabetical order.
cannot agree that hvd is not 1st in chemistry.. us news ranking sucks..
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